Hope Springs Eternal for a Better World in My Summer of Love

Hope Springs Eternal for a Better World in My Summer of Love AOC Green Beings

From Anne’s original journal

Determined to see last night’s light show at its prime, but also suffering from a very late Saturday night in Manhattan, I went to bed early, setting my alarm for 1am.  Waking five minutes ahead of schedule as usual, I looked at the clock, grabbed my robe and enthusiastically ran down the stairs, towards my date with an exquisite phantasmagoria.
Dismissing the sky view from the living room window, I refused to accept the reality of the night sky. Stomping my bare feet in wet, green grass, I finally succumbed to my intense disappointment. The spectacular, clear, early-night sky was gone.

Bill Cooke of NASA’s Meteoroid Environment Office promised me a great show, a new moon, dark skies and plenty of meteors. Instead, I saw nocturnal pea soup.