Margot Robbie Embraces Collective Consciousness, Lensed By Max Papendieck For ES Magazine July 2018

Margot Robbie Embraces Collective Consciousness, Lensed By Max Papendieck For ES Magazine July 2018

Actor Margot Robbie is styled by Jenny Kennedy in images by Max Papendieck for Evening Standard Magazine July 2018./ Hair by Bryce Scarlett; makeup by Patti Dubroff

Not many people say they are addicted to fear: to the surge of adrenaline that surges through mind and body when a person is sure she can't do something but steps off the cliff anyway.  "I love feeling terrified, I love it when I think I can’t pull it off this time," Robbie tells Gavanndra Hodge, who writes. "It is this compulsion that made her — then a 23-year-old unknown — unexpectedly slap Leonardo DiCaprio in the face during her screen test for Martin Scorsese’s The Wolf of Wall Street (the slap got her the job)."

Robbie doesn't regret regret any of her movie roles, but she is increasingly aware of the social impact of her characters. ‘It is a weird thing, having a profile,’ she says, becoming quiet for the first (and only) time during our conversation. ‘It is hard because I would never have got to this position if I was trying to censor everything I did. I would never have an impact on anyone if I played perfect characters.’