Kristian Schuller Eyes Powerful, No BS Pink In New Dawn Style For S Moda El Pais June 17, 2018

Since Florida's Parkland students began calling BS about the NRA and Republican party's response to the avalanche of 2018 school shootings in America, the initials are in everyone's vocab and national media. Note that most talking heads stick with the initials, but not S Moda El Pais. They write:

Powerful pink, free and not cheesy: Gone is any glimpse of bullshit. The color shakes the corny to paint a new dawn. 

Besides excellent copy writing, the new fashion editorial is lensed by Kristian Schuller, as Francesca Rinciari delivers summer style from Dolce & Gabbana, Valentina, Gucci, Jimmy Choo, Chanel, Prada and more. 

Note that AOC hopes that the birds flocking to the pink passion model don't reference Tippi Hedren in Alfred Hitchcock's film 'The Birds'. Then again, maybe it does in a very sophisticated, subliminal way rather than the superficial one that first came to mind. The facts are that the bird attacks on Hedren in 'The Birds' were real. She was bleeding as a furious, controlling Hitchcock launched one bird attack after another on the actor, who had spurned his dominating, Harvey Weinstein I OWN YOU sexual advances in making the film. 

Rather than endure Hitchcock's controlling demands over her private life, Tippi Hedren walked away, and Hitchcock's warning that she would never work again in Hollywood went into action. She was banned. Tippi Hedren was an original #MeToo woman and her testimony about what she endured has inspired us all.