Dear Trump: You Can Cherish America's White Nationalist History; I Detest It!

Dear Trump: You Can Cherish America's White Nationalist History; I Detest It!

I do not cherish America's white nationalist history, as you said today, Trump . . . that we must cherish "all" our history and all sides are equally guilty in the Charlottesville tragedy. I've lived my life to end America's racist history because it is totally out of sync with my values. White nationalism may be your values, Sir Trump, but not mine. 

NEVER ever once did President Barack Obama incite hatred in America, as you have done -- even trying to undermine his presidency with your birther lies. So don't be dragging him and me, too, into your collective "we" speech that this tragedy today is not about you, or not about Obama. We tower over you in character and our actions are not divisive and hate-filled, as yours have been.