Boys Club Lectures Sen. Kamala Harris As Intelligence Heads Refuse To Answer Questions

On Wednesday the leaders of America's intelligence agencies appeared before members of the Senate Intelligence Committee for a hearing about Russian interference into the 2016 presidential election and any possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. 

It didn't go well, with the nation's top national intelligence leaders refusing to talk. They were not bound by any executive privilege claim by President Trump. Nor were they discussing classified information, which is not permitted in an open hearing. 

Several senators were visibly and audibly upset with the immobile faces refusing to even utter 'yes' or 'no' to the senate panel that oversees them.  New Mexico's Dem. Sen. Martin Heinrich was aggressive with all the silent men who refused to speak, making a notable criticism of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein with the words "At this point, you filibuster better than most of my colleagues."