God's Job Approval | DSK Update | National Penis Size & Economic Growth

Boys Club

Women Give Higher Grade to God on the Job

Only 52% of Americans Approve of God’s Job Performance The Atlantic

Flickr/freutCWe are thrilled to see God get into the public-policy debate in America.  Public Policy Polling, described as a Democratic-leaning polling organization, introduced a question about God’s job performance in their new survey.

Some may scoff, but given America’s insistence that we are a divine-right nation (God’s favorite country and our protectorate who will pull us out of our national mess), God should be subject to questions about his job performance.

The question was framed as follows: if God exists, do you approve or disapprove of its performance? Note that the question established God as gender neutral, which is not the view of overwhelming numbers of American women.

The headling that 52% of Americans approve of God’s job performance is misleading because 70% of the respondents are age 46 and up. A truly representative poll by age would most likely lower God’s job rating.

Also, older people tend to be more religious and less likely to give God a bad grade, knowing that there might be a heavenly meetup in the near future.

Knowing that American women are more likely to believe that God is a He who knows our every move (two-thirds of American women believe this vision of God, vs about one-third of men) we anticipate that women are more likely to give God a higher grade on his job performance.

Our assumptions are correct. In addition to a top level grade on God’s job performance — where 55% of women approve vs 48% of men — women also give God a much better grade on his handling of natural disasters.

Large and Small Economic Growth

What Penis Size Reveals About Economic Growth International Business Times

In what is a dangerously politically incorrect study ‘Male Organ and Economic Growth: Does Size Matter?’, researchers are looking at a county’s penis size, as it relates to GDP growth.

Significant research already exists on the average size of penises by country. (Note, clicking on your view image function will double size of map.) In this new study, University of Helsinki researcher Tatu Westling decided to do the unthinkable and add a sexuality dimension — national penis size — to his crunching of economic Gross National Product data in a 25 year period from 1960 and 1985.

During this period, GDP plummeted at extremes of the spectrum. Given China’s robust economy today, Westling’s theory may not hold water. However, we will apply national penis size to research about women’s rights, honor killings, women in the economy and see if there are any notable correlations that warrant observation.

Dominique Strauss-Kahn Update

Dominique Strauss-Kahn: New York meeting suggests accusers could unite Guardian UK

DSK’s French accuser Tristane Banon’s lawyer David Koubbi met with Kenneth Thompson, lawyer for the hotel maid accusing Dominique Strauss-Kahn of assult, in New York on Tuesday. The pair met in the offices of Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance.

Koubbi has previously stated that he didn’t want to link the two cases, leaving the French surprised over his meetings in New York.

According to Le Figaro newspaper, Vance plans to summon Banon to give evidence against Strauss-Kahn in a US court.

In France, police have questioned François Hollande, the man who has replaced Strauss-Kahn as the Socialist party’s frontrunner presidential candidate, about his knowledge of the alleged attack on Banon.

Another Bedding?

The plot thickens for Strauss-Kahn Haaretz

Mother and daughter: Anne Mansouret {left} and Tristane Banon {right} have made acusations over what they consider predatory sexual practices of DSK.Tristane Banon’s mother Anne Mansouret has given authorities another reason for advising her then 24-year-old daughter not to report her DSK attempted-rape story to authorities. Mansouret, a high-ranking figure in Strauss-Kahn’s Socialist party, says that she had a one-night stand with Strauss-Kahn, a consensual affair she describes as: a seduction with the “obscenity of a brutish soldier.”

Brigitte Guillemette, Dominique Strauss Kahn’s second wife says she is planning on suing Mansouret for defamation of character.

Mansouret also told investigators said that she did however confront Guillemette with her daughter’s rape claims — and that Strauss Kahn then all but admitted the deed to his ex wife when she, in turn, confronted him.

Brigitte Guillemette told the Nouvel Observateur that when her daughter Camille told her of Tristane Banon’s allegations, Guillemette immediately called Strauss Kahn—who denied the accusation. She says she then called Mansouret, who—according to Guillemette—responded to the rape claims saying, “None of this is serious. Anyway, I’m Strauss-Kahn’s mistress.”