As Trump Insults San Juan Mayor Cruz & Puerto Rico's US Citizens, Germans Work On Power & Elon Musk, Too

The Mayor of San Juan Carmen Yulín Cruz chose a NASTY woman tee for her Univision interview after Trump's drop-in to Puerto Rico on Tuesday.  The crude US president tweeted last Saturday ""The Mayor of San Juan, who was very complimentary only a few days ago, has now been told by the Democrats that you must be nasty to Trump."

"When someone is bothered by someone claiming lack of drinking water, lack of medicine for the sick and lack of food for the hungry, that person has problems too deep to be explained in an interview," Cruz said during the interview. "What is really nasty is that anyone would turn their back on the Puerto Rican people."

Trump is the aggrieved party, claiming that the complaints of Cruz about his slow federal aid response to Hurricane Maris are politically motivated. Note that Cruz is not a Democrat and is registered with neither major party. 

“I am begging, begging anyone who can hear us to save us from dying. If anybody out there is listening to us, we are dying, and you are killing us with the inefficiency,” the mayor said last Friday. The mayor's remarks followed earlier ones from acting Homeland Security Secretary Elaine Duke's comments in which she called the federal government's response "a good news story."

“Maybe from where she’s standing, it’s a good news story,” Cruz said. “When you’re drinking from a creek, it’s not a good news story. When you don’t have food for a baby, it’s not a good news story.”

She added: “Damn it, this is not a good news story. This is a people-are-dying story.”

Carmen Yulin Cruz talks with journalists (Carlos Barria/Reuters)

Those comments left Trump fuming. The president insisted on Friday afternoon federal officials were doing a great job with relief efforts. 

"We have done an incredible job, considering there's absolutely nothing to work with," Trump told reporters at the White House. 

"And a very big question is, what are we going to do with the power plant? Because the power plant is totally wiped out," he said. "There is nothing. The power grid is gone."

The utter stupidity of Trump's approach in Puerto Rico, where he threw rolls of paper towels into the crowd, much like a carnival barker, is contrasted with efforts by Sonnen GmbH, a German provider of energy-storage systems. Sonnen began delivering its storage systems to Puerto Rico before Trump arrived, in an effort to provide electricity for at least 15 emergency relief centers across the island. It’s working with local partner Pura Energia, which installs solar panels with Sonnen batteries.

“Our smart energy storage system is uniquely positioned to serve as a critical resource during the emergency in Puerto Rico,” Blake Richetta, the head of Sonnen’s U.S. unit, said in the statement.

Sonnen, operating on the island since 2016, is donating equipment for the 15 relief centers. Committed to Puerto Rico for the long-term, the company will donate profit from local sales to build as many as 35 additional microgrids on the island. The batteries are produced at the company’s recently opened factory in Atlanta, and the first microgrids will be operating in less than a month.

“It is our duty to stand firmly with the people of Puerto Rico and do everything possible to help start the rebuilding process,” Chief Executive Officer Christoph Ostermann said in the statement. “There is a clear connection between our mission to support humanity during a climate disaster and our mission to fight climate change.”

Tesla's Elon Musk, has also indicated that he is prepared to be a key partner in rebuilding Puerto Rico's power grid using independent batteries and solar power. 

Puerto Rico’s chief innovation officer Glorimar Ripoli is also on board. “As the Government’s CINO, I fully support this! Let’s build the Puerto Rico we all want through innovation,” she tweeted.

Mayor of San Juan Carmen Yulin Cruz embraces Esperanza Ruiz, a city administrator, outside the government centre at the Roberto Clemente Coliseum after Hurricane Maria in San Juan, Puerto Rico Carlos Barria/Reuters

Amid Trump's demeaning comments to Mayor Cruz -- surely fueled by her being a woman -- we assume that he has little knowledge of her background. The Independent UK writes:

Cruz has, in some ways, been a lifelong politician: Class president in eighth grade; student council president in high school.

Like many Puerto Ricans, she left the island to pursue opportunities on the US mainland, earning a bachelor's in political science at Boston University and a master's in public management and policy at Carnegie Mellon.

Apparently Mayor Cruz held key positions not only at Scotiabank but also the US Treasury Department. After returning to Puerto Rico, Cruz became an adviser to Sila Maria Calderon, then the mayor of San Juan who later became Puerto Rico's first and only female governor.

The Carnegie Mellon grad strung together a people-centric coalition including including the LGBT community, students, Dominican immigrants and taxi drivers. Fueled by people power, Cruz defeated a three-time incumbent Jorge Santini.

“Politics is a rough game, and sometimes as females we are taught that you have to play nice,” she said in a 2014 in an interview. “Sometimes you can't play nice.”

Trump Ignites High Tech Relocation To Canada, Determined To Make Canada Great Again

Canada moved immediately when Trump issued his immigration ban -- helping US companies to set up shop in Canada. Trump knows this fact, as it started in Feb/March when I first wrote about it. This asshat American president will create not only a tech brain drain but also our doctors. His day of reckoning is coming, and I expect his voters and also the Dems who supported him to explain to the country how they let this happen. Alas, being one of the elites they love to hate, I knew this would happen and began tracking the migration to Canada right after the inauguration.

Politico writes:

President Donald Trump has moved to cut legal immigration by half over the next decade, increase security along the border, build a wall with Mexico, ban travel indefinitely from several countries and overturn DACA, the Obama-era policy that grants work permits to undocumented immigrants who arrived in the country as minors. The Trump administration has also suggested limiting “startup visas” for high-tech entrepreneurs entering the United States, and massively cutting America’s funding for scientific research. Trump’s aggressive “America first” posture on trade and international diplomacy has transformed the United States into something of a pariah nation, out of touch with the basic norms and values of advanced democracies."

Nor only has Canada has opened centers for refugees streaming over the border in northern New York State from the United States, with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau personally welcoming some of them to the country. As AOC noted right after Trump's inauguration, Canada is specifically recruiting the skilled, ambitious talent that drives innovation and economic growth, with a particular target on top thinkers and workers in technology and industry, and also doctors. Canadian universities—ranked among the world’s best in fields like computer science, electrical and computer engineering, and artificial intelligence—are successively recruiting foreign students, who in turn are matriculating in Canada at higher levels than before Trump’s election. Canadian cities like Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal are attracting more venture capital to fund the nation's tech industry, on par with American tech hubs like Seattle and Austin, write Richard Florida and Joshua Gans for Politico.