Republican Calls San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz "A Political Hack" On CNN Sunday Morning News

San Juan Mayor Carmen YulínCruz hugs a resident of a seniors home after Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico. (Thais Llorca/European Pressphoto Agency-EFE)

San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz made waves on Friday, speaking to media outlets including CNN and MSNBC about the need for more support from the Trump administration in dealing with the devastation caused by Hurricane Maria. 

Cruz's comments were prompted by those made by Elaine Duke, acting Homeland Security Secretary, on Thursday. In an astonishing lack of empathy for the scene millions of Americans watched all week -- including frequent images of Mayor Cruz walking through sewage-laden waters with her bullhorn calling for her people. 

Duke iterated her satisfaction with the recovery efforts in Puerto Rico, explaining that it was “really a good news story in terms of our ability to reach people and the limited number of deaths.”

Mayor Cruz vehemently disagreed, saying, "When you're drinking from a creek, it's not a good news story. When you don't have food for a baby, it's not a good news story. When you have to pull people down from buildings -- I'm sorry, that really upsets me and frustrates me."

Recognizing the error in her words Duke arrived in Puerto Rico on Friday, clarifying her earlier remarks in more humane terms.

The result of Cruz's pleas for more help was America's president Trump going ballistic on Twitter on Saturday morning, from his Bedminster Golf Club. 

Early Saturday morning, Trump responded to Cruz’s critical remarks with his own, on Twitter. “The Mayor of San Juan, who was very complimentary only a few days ago, has now been told by the Democrats that you must be nasty to Trump,” he said. “Such poor leadership ability by the Mayor of San Juan, and others in Puerto Rico, who are not able to get their workers to help."

Trump set off a furor with his accusations that the people of Puerto Rico "want everything done for them." We will cover them in a new article, but to hear Republicans calling San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz a "political hack" on the Sunday morning CNN news is just so distressing. 

Related: Who Is Carmen Yulín Cruz, the Puerto Rican Mayor Feuding With Trump? The New York Times

Milo Yiannopoulos & Berkeley Patriots Cry Foul As Free Speech Week Falls Apart Over Incompetence

Lucas Jackson / Reuters

Former Breitbart editor and style diva Milo Yiannopoulos promised to shake things up in Berkeley -- and hopefully inspire Antifa & friends to confirm every comment Trump has made about them -- with four straight days of conservative thought and luminaries. Billing the event Milo Yiannopoulos's Free Speech Week in Berkeley, all the major press reported that Steve Bannon would be joining Ann Coulter in raising hell on one of America's most liberal campuses. 

UC Berkeley said as late as Friday afternoon that they are prepared to spend more than $1 million for security at the events, bringing in hundreds of police officers from around the Bay Area. Other student leaders say the event is 'off'. 

Uncertainty among the Berkeley Patriot student group working with Yiannopoulos  over whether to proceed with the event came a day after campus police opened a hate crime investigation into the discovery Thursday of posters around campus that named students and faculty as “terrorist supporters,” and of chalk grafitti targeting immigrants, gays and feminists. The posters were distributed by an organization run by David Horowitz, one of the Berkeley Patriot’s featured speakers. The Horowitz group says its mission is to “combat efforts of the radical left and its Islamist allies to destroy American values.”

Free Speech Week is scheduled for Sproul Plaza from Sunday through Wednesday. UC Berkeley Chancellor Carol Christ told The San Francisco Chronicle on Thursday that the law enforcement presence would exceed the number mustered for an appearance Sept. 14 by conservative commentator Ben Shapiro. 

Attorneys for the Berkeley Patriot said the group had filed a complaint with the U.S. Department of Justice, claiming not only that the campus “has become downright physically dangerous this past year for conservative students,” and that the UC Berkeley administration has failed to protect the First Amendment rights of those students.

UC Berkeley spokesman Dan Mogulof said the “exact opposite” is true. “Never in anyone’s recent memory has so much time, and money been spent to support the First Amendment rights of a student organization. Any reasonable person can see that.”

Gateway Pundit's Lucian Wintrich, founder of 'Twinks for Trump' has withdrawn from the event, saying:

"Currently – I am engaged in a long-running investigative report that is certain to disrupt the MSM propaganda wing and Globalist agenda that has been rampant in Washington, I have a forthcoming book covering the culture wars in America and how the Right can win, along with prep-work for a series of impending campus speeches for a set of college tours. The deadlines and work that needs to be completed on these projects are my current priority."

Charles Murray, who had been listed as a speaker, told the Chronicle of Higher Education that he would never agree to appear anywhere with Yiannopoulos "because he is a despicable asshole," reports Pacific Standard.

Related: Milo's Big Wing-Nut Shindig in Berkeley Turns Out to Be a Sham New York Magazine