Out of the White House Hedges, Sean Spicer Finds Life Post Trumplandia Is Not A Bed Of Roses


Two months after leaving as White House press secretary, Sean Spicer is a lonely man, writes The Daily Beast. Spicer has serious "credibility issues" say network executives, related to his constant manipulation of the truth for the Trump administration. NBC News said that all the big TV news networks are passing on Spicer as an on-air paid contributor. 

After openly scoffing at and "degrading" reporters, Spicer is not exactly the face of responsible journalism and a free press. 

Even Spicer's appearance at Sunday night's Emmy awards didn't work out so well, especially after James Corden stirred up a twitter storm after kissing Spicer on the cheek. Variety was the culprit who posted the image on Instagram, inviting major criticism of Corden for 'normalizing' Spicer. 

On his CBS 'The Late, Late Show' on Monday night, Corden wasn't in such a loving mood towards Spicey, saying instead that he was disappointed in himself. After some Trump jokes, Corden returned to his self-admonishment, writes Variety. 

“According to some reports at the after-party, Spicer was the most popular guy in the room,” he began. “And I just wanna say, I think people are forgetting this man lied to the American people and should not be embraced. These Hollywood phonies kissing up to Spicer are disgusting, I mean, who did this, who are we talking about here?”

Saying that he has a long history of kissing people, Corden concluded by saying, “Basically what I’m saying is, I need to learn how to shake hands.”

The Daily Beast: Russia-Backed Pro-Trump FB Groups Organized Rallies In Florida & PA


The Daily Beast just broke an exclusive story confirming that suspected propagandists used Facebook to organize at least a dozen pro-Trump rallies in Florida during the presidential election. 

The Aug. 20, 2016, events were collectively called “Florida Goes Trump!” and they were billed as a “patriotic state-wide flash mob,” unfolding simultaneously in 17 different cities and towns in the battleground state. It’s difficult to determine how many of those locations actually witnessed any turnout, in part because Facebook’s recent deletion of hundreds of Russian accounts hid much of the evidence. But videos and photos from two of the locations—Fort Lauderdale and Coral Springs—were reposted to a Facebook page run by the local Trump campaign chair, where they remain to this day.

“On August 20, we want to gather patriots on the streets of Floridian towns and cities and march to unite America and support Donald Trump!” read the Facebook event page for the demonstrations. “Our flash mob will occur in several places at the same time; more details about locations will be added later. Go Donald!”

The Being Patriotic FB group had 200,000 followers exposed to multiple pro-Trump, anti-Hillary events that included a 2016 July “Down With Hillary!” protest outside Clinton’s Brooklyn campaign headquarters, a September 11 pro-Trump demonstration in Manhattan, simultaneous October 2016 “Miners for Trump” demonstrations in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. The Russians even organized a pro-Trump rally outside Trump Tower in November, when Trump was the president elect.