Tom Ford Exposes Soulful Substance In "A Single Man"

I simply adore Tom Ford. Madly, in fact.

As the Fashion Director of  Victoria’s Secret in the 1990s, I wandered the streets of the world a total believer in Tom Ford’s sophisticated but blatantly provocative look at sexuality. With a few exceptions, Ford always knew just how far to push the sexual envelope, leaving the viewer on the edge of erotic tension.

via Daily YummoUnless you were a completely uptight, repressed sexual personality, Tom Ford coachs you into sexual awareness. Even if you chose not to open Pandora’s Box, you know what lays smoldering in the darkness. As Shakira said recently, “libido is the engine of the world”.

It’s true that Tom Ford is often accused of being a modern-day, superficially erotic dandy, but I never say him that way. His persona and creative mind always seemed plentiful to me and in balance.

A few years ago, Tom Ford astonished the fashion industry by walking away from it and a working relationship that no longer worked for him. All the details are in today’s NYTimes feature Tom Ford’s Directorial Debut Is Silencing His Critics.

(nudity under the fold)

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Date Nights, Friendly Fruits and Life in the Garden of Egypt's Blue Lily Eden

London Times writer Howard Marks, a self-described Mr Nice author, hedonist and ex-drug smuggler takes us to Egypt this morning, in search of the blue lily.  Just between us, we’re going to smoke it.

Seriously now, do you think women are allowed in this place?

Blue Lily Water Trio via Señorashutterbug at FlickrI’m in high gear, drinking French Roast and eager to get on the road. Not so fast says Marks. Slow down and enjoy the scenery.

He’s right, of course. I’ve never been to Egypt and there’s no reason to rush through such grandeur in the cradle of ancient learning and a great civilization.

We arrive in Luxor, meeting George Feltham-Parish, who hands us a Stella beer once we clear customs. Thanks George.

Legend says that the god Osiris brought this beer to Egypt’s people as a medical treatment. A curative document dating from 1,600 BC lists over 100 prescriptions using beer as medicament.

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