Victoria's Secret: How DARE You Use Kate Upton's Old Photo On A New Catalogue?

Women Are Frankly Flawed, Victoria’s Secret, Get Used To It

My dear Victoria’s Secret friends. What in the world is up with you guys this week? It’s bad enough that you launched a new bra called ‘Flawless’, as if we ladies need to be reminded yet one more time of just how much we need fixing. Our brains are already saturated with inferiority complexes as we pick up yet another cue that our natural beauty just isn’t good enough.

Hopefully your former super Angel Gisele can set you straight on why ‘Flawless’ isn’t a good name for a bra these days. Take a good read of yesterday’s post Gisele Bundche & Johan Lindeberg Say Basta To ‘Flawless’.

We LIKE our imperfections and unique features. They are part of our IDENTITY. We don’t need the biggest lingerie brand in the world — one that consumed 10 years of my life in a great career ride —  telling us that we need to assess our flaws every time we look in the mirror.

Some of us are blondes and some brunettes. Some of us have round faces and others high foreheads with chiseled features. A few of us are 5’10” but most 5’4”. Some of us care about others and have good hearts with regard to how we treat people. Others do not.

Using Kate Upton Is A Mortal Sin After You Publicly Humiliated Her

Frankly, I can forgive you for ‘Flawless’ and continue to hold you in some regard. But you have committed a MORTAL SIN putting Kate Upton’s 2011 image on the back of a new Victoria’s Secret catalogue.

What in the world were you thinking, Victoria’s Secret Catalog??????????????? I thought your previous treatment of Kate Upton was a new low. In your crass tearing up of a woman’s reputation — which you did very publicly with your Victoria’s Secret stylist representativeve Sophia Neophitou saying that Victoria’s Secret would never use Kate Upton, because she is “like a Page 3 girl” — I thought you hit a new low in how you relate to women.

Neophitou said that Upton is “like a footballer’s wife with the too-blond hair and that kind of face that anyone with enough money can go out and buy.”

Today, because Kate Upton is a great success in spite of Sophia Neophitou’s obnoxious, petty, demeaning comments about her, you decide to capitalize on Kate’s acceptance by Carine Roitfeld, Anna Wintour, Steven Meisel, and countless other top people in fashion. This is a totally disgusting turn of events, Victoria’s Secret.

‘The Kate Upton Effect’ By Mario Testino for Voge US June 2013

I wrote in February 2012, calling you guys out for Sophia Neophitou’s comments:

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