Cosmo Talks To 10 Hillary Supporters Over 75 | Freelancers Support Hillary

Old Ladies Who Really Really Want to See Hillary Clinton Become Our First Female President Cosmopolitan

“Tonight’s victory is not about one person,” Hillary Clinton said in a speech in Brooklyn, the June night when she was declared the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee. “It belongs to generations of women and men who struggled and sacrificed and made this moment possible.” Though the fight for gender equality is hardly over -- a reality glaring at us in this presidential campaign -- women have made significant progress on many fronts. 

Clinton's pending presidential victory resonates deeply with many women of her generation and older, who see a mirror of their own struggles. Over the past few months, reached out to 10 women across America over the age of 75 who are ardent Clinton supporters and asked them to share their perspectives on the election. Six female photographers shot portraits of the women in their homes.

Trump blows off debate tune-up Politico

“I said forget debate prep. I mean, give me a break,” Trump said at one point in Thursday night's New Hampshire faux town-hall appearance. “Do you really think that Hillary Clinton is debate-prepping for three or four days. Hillary Clinton is resting, okay?”

Even without the duress of a Hillary Clinton opponent like he will face in Sunday night's second debate meetup, town-hall style,  Trump struggled to deliver a cohesive message, either about himself as a change agent or Clinton’s shortcomings.

Almost predictably Trump railed against those who have injured him, lashing out at CNN’s John King, CNBC’s John Harwood, polling analyst Nate Silver and Republican Sen. Mark Kirk. In a stunning bit of small-mindedness, Trump again returned to problems with his microphone at the last debate."

Freelance Nation

Freelancers are a $1 trillion force, and Hillary Clinton is their pick for president CNBC

Note that this survey of 6000 (a very solid #) freelancers was conducted at the end of Aug. even though findings were announced today Oct. 6. Based on current polling, Hillary's position should only have become stronger -- especially with a drop off for the Libertarian ticket.

Voters make their decisions from so many different perspectives. I like this new way of slicing 1/3 (read my lips) one-third of the American workforce who are on their own -- and many by choice. As unions lose membership in America, freelancers rise. If you think they are Republicans, think again.

Group of nearly 80 evangelical leaders publish letter condemning Trump ThinkProgress

The letter, which is signed by nearly 80 prominent evangelical leaders, thinkers, authors, and pastors, decries Trump’s attacks on women, Muslims,immigrants, refugees, and the disabled, saying such vitriol is an affront to the Christian faith. It also highlights how his campaign has energized white nationalists, such as when he was endorsed by leaders of the Ku Klux Klan.
“We cannot ignore this bigotry, set it aside, just focus on other issues, or forget the things Mr. Trump has consistently said and done,” the letter reads. “No matter what other issues we also care about, we have to make it publicly clear that Mr. Trump’s racial and religious bigotry and treatment of women is morally unacceptable to us as evangelical Christians, as we attempt to model Jesus’ command to ‘love your neighbors as yourself.’”

Hillary Clinton Headlines October 7, 2016

Hillary Clinton to return to Ohio amid optimism about early voting CBS News

Hillary Clinton edges out Donald Trump in New Ohio Poll

Poll: Clinton takes 11-point lead in Michigan Detroit Free Press

'Obama Bros' Learn to Love Hillary Politico

Hillary Clinton's Lonesome White Male Supporters New York Times