Cindy Crawford | 90's Size 6 Supermodels Would Be Plus-Size Today

Cindy Crawford looks sinfully, sensually guilty as charged, fronting the Fall 2010 campaign for TSUM, the largest fashion department store in Eastern Europe. Crawford would be the first person to admit that she might enjoy a glass of bubbly at “TSUM Globus Gourmet” gastronome, a fashion restaurant, cigar room, a café and Champagne-bar “Veuve Clicquot”. Images by Mert & Marcus.

One of the Big Six Supermodels — women who actually earned the title rather than walking down the runway to Twitter applause — Cindy Crawford was always a muscle-lust, sexy woman with the size 6 body. Yes indeed, you’re looking at a plus-size supermodel, perhaps bigger than Lara Stone.

Cindy has publicly admitted that she would never cut muster with Karl Lagerfeld today, falling into the potato-chip-eating mommy crowd of bloated, biggie-size babes with real-woman bodies. Crawford has breasts, a big no-no among today’s ‘we prefer boys to girls’ crowd.

Crawford has no problem giving advice to women who are sick of the gender-bias in favor of shapeless men or women (it really doesn’t matter) dictating the standards of beauty for women worldwide.

“I want to say that if people have a problem with designers or magazines using too thin models, they should just stop buying the designers’ clothes or the magazines. Don’t buy them and then complain about it and feel bad about yourself! Use your power. Magazines will change if no one’s buying them, believe me.” via London Times

I’ve really come to believe that the Supermodels were just too hot to handle, and so was their message for women. A movement of strong, sensual, kick-butt, competent women is just too much for the global patriarchy to handle.

80’s Supermodels: Smart, Sexy, Healthy Sensuality

Cindy Crawford says she would have to starve to be a model today. And she has company. Acccording to Crawford, Linda Evangelista, Christy Turlington and Helena Christensen were all size 6, (UK size 10). Naomi and Kate Moss were smaller.

I predict it’s far easier trying to find happiness as a size 6 than as a size 0. It’s a tough but achievable, healthy goal for a 5’9” woman.

How do you take away a woman’s power? Take away her muscles, her ability to run fast, her hips and breasts, her hormones — and voila — you have a non-threatening vision of beauty and womanhood. She’s so busy immersing herself in a state of angst that she can’t be a size 0, that she spend endless sums of money trying to right her life.

Soon after Peter Lindbergh’s famous January 1990 Vogue cover featuring Evangelista, Turlington, Campbell, Crawford and Tatjana Patitz, George Michael put otu the single Freedom ‘90 starring the five women. Watching it again after years, it’s clear why the world needed to shut down the influence of these women.

We have all kinds of reasons: fashion changes and Kate Moss ws the new, thinner vision of beauty. The Supermodels were making too much money and were often more important than the designer. Some say the Supermodels didn’t fit the Prada image, and Hollywood took back the glamour.

Given the fragile, lifeless boy bodies that replaced them, I believe the answer for women is clear: Evangelista, Turlington, Campbell, Crawford, Schiffer and Moss were just too hot to handle. They were deeply sensual, aggressive, smart, sexy women who transformed womanhood into superhero status.

Let’s be honest, my dears. The global religious, financial patriarchy can’t possibly deal with millions of women knowing our own minds.  Here’s to Freedom. Anne

George Michael Freedom ‘90